Core Development Concepts > Extending and Customizing
Adding Custom CLI Commands
Learn how to add custom commands to the Webiny CLI.
- how to create a new Webiny CLI command
- how to override existing commands
Webiny CLI is pluggable by default, which means you can create new commands, or even override existing ones, simply by adding a new plugin, with its type property set to cli-command
This can be useful if you want to create one or more custom commands for your project, which the developers can use.
For this tutorial, we’re going to create a new plugin directly in the webiny.project.js
file, located in your project root folder.
The content of this file might look something like the following:
Notice the plugins required in the cli.plugins
array. This is where we are going to add our own, for example:
To test it out, in your terminal of choice, you can run the following commands:
Inserting new plugins directly into the webiny.project.js
works, but overtime, may become crowded. Feel free to move this code into a separate file, for example scripts/drinkCommand.js
, and use the webiny.project.js
just to call the necessary require
To define commands, we use the yargs
library, which is provided as one of the named arguments of the create
function. Be sure to check out the official Yargs documentation for more information.
Overriding Existing Commands![anchor]()
We override existing commands by overriding already registered plugins, which is done by registering a new plugin with the name
property equal to the name
property of the plugin we want to override.
In the above shown code, we have the following import in the cli.plugins
This function call registers the cli-command-deployment
plugin, which sets up all of the necessary commands for deploying your project, using the default deployment solution - Pulumi. If we wanted to override it, we’d simply register a plugin with the same cli-command-deployment
name again, and write our own commands in the create
function we’ve seen above.
If you can access the plugin you’re overriding, you should also remove it. So, if we wanted to override the cli-command-deployment
plugin, we should also remove the require("@webiny/cli-plugin-deploy-pulumi")()