You're browsing the documentation for an old version of Webiny. Consider upgrading your project to Webiny 5.41.x.
What you'll learn
  • what is the Webiny CLI
  • what are the commonly used commands


Webiny CLI (command line interface) is the central tool that you’ll be using throughout the complete project development process, in your terminal of choice.

Out of the box, it offers a couple of commands that will let you perform essential tasks like deployments, development and production code builds, different scaffolding, and so on.

Additionally, the Webiny CLI is pluggable, meaning you can easily create your own custom commands, or even replace the existing ones. Please visit the Adding Custom Commands guide for more information.

For a full list of commands, in your terminal of choice, make sure to run yarn webiny --help.

Common Commands

yarn webiny watch {folder} --env {env}

Watches specified project application for application and cloud infrastructure code changes, and performs rebuilds and redeploys, accordingly.

For more information, please visit the Use Watch Command guide.

yarn webiny build {folder} --env {dev}

Builds a project application located inside of the specified folder.

yarn webiny deploy --env {dev}

Builds all of the project applications and deploys cloud infrastructure resources defined within them, into the specified environment.

By default, the command will deploy project applications into the dev environment. But, you can specify a different one using the --env argument.

yarn webiny deploy {folder} --env {env}

Builds a project application located inside of the specified folder and deploys cloud infrastructure resources defined within it, into the specified environment.

The --env argument is required.

yarn webiny destroy {folder} --env {env}

Destroys cloud infrastructure resources that were previously deployed as part of the specified project application, into a specified environment.

The --env argument is required.

For more hands-on information on the above listed commands, please visit the Deploy Your Project and Destroy Cloud Infrastructure guides.

yarn webiny output {folder} --env {env}

Returns stack output for the specified project application and environment.

Stack output represents all of the values that were exported from project application’s cloud infrastructure code, for the specified environment. For example, in the API project application, in the api/pulumi/dev/index.tsexternal link file, we have the following:


yarn webiny info --env {env}

Returns useful URLs, for example, the URL over which the deployed GraphQL API can be accessed.

yarn webiny pulumi {folder} --env {env} -- {command}

Provides a way to execute Pulumi specific commands directly via the Pulumi CLI.

For more information, please visit the Execute Pulumi Commands guide.

yarn webiny ws run {cmd} --folder {f} --scope {s}

Runs provided command, for example the watch command, across multiple workspaces (packages) in your project. Workspaces are defined via either the --folder or --scope argument.

yarn webiny disable-telemetry

Completely disables collection of anonymous usage information.


By default, Webiny collects anonymous usage information, which is exclusively used for improving the product and understanding usage patterns. Please take a look at our Telemetryexternal link page for more information on this subject.


Do I Need to Install Webiny CLI Manually?

No, Webiny CLI comes set up automatically with every new Webiny project. Note that it’s not installed as a global tool, but on a per-project basis. So, in theory, you could have two projects with different versions of the CLI.

Do I Need to Invoke the Webiny CLI Withyarn?

For the highest chance that everything will work as expected, we recommend you do so. But do note that if you’re using some of the alternative terminals, like for example Zshexternal link, you might even get away without it.